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One step further with CLIL: learning practices transcending different disciplines and cultures




 第6回となりますJ-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conferenceは、会員講演に柏木賀津子 先生(四天王寺大学、J-CLIL副会長)、基調講演にDarío Luis Banegas先生(エディンバラ大学)が登壇され、多様性なCLIL実践と研究について議論し、今後の発展に向け示唆を得る貴重な場となりました。今大会は海外からも多くの参加があり、シンポジウム3件のうち1件、口頭発表33件のうち半数が英語の発表となりました。大会テーマにありますように、学校や大学、出版社等さまざまな立場でCLILに関わるみなさんが、それぞれの専門領域や文化圏を超えて、国内外のCLIL実践者・研究者と交流するプラットフォームとしてのJ-CLILの学際的・国際的な広がりを実感する大会となりました。みなさま、ご参加ありがとうございました。今回ご参加が叶わなかったみなさまも、来年度大会、J-CLIL例会に気軽にご参加ください。

Thank you for your contribution to the 6th J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference. The event started with the member’s talk by Prof Kazuko Kashiwagi (Shitennoji University, Vice-President of J-CLIL), which was followed by three symposiums and 33 oral presentation sessions and ended with another plenary talk by Prof Darío Luis Banegas (Edinburgh University). We enjoyed the stimulating talks and discussions afterwards with friends and colleagues on-site and online throughout the day, taking away plenty of souvenirs for our students’ learning and our teaching/research in CLIL. Many presentations were delivered in English at this conference, including talks by speakers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Spain. As the conference theme indicates, the interdisciplinary community of J-CLIL, with diverse populations of CLIL practitioners, researchers, and material developers, is an asset to our association. If you missed the opportunity to join the conference, no worries; you can always join future J-CLIL events.

*Click on the image to watch the video.

期間限定公開(10月12日〜25日)Open for a limited period (11 - 25 October).


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