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日時:2018年4月21日(土)午後2時~5時 場所:早稲田大学戸山キャンパス33号館 3階333教室

①「Teaching Japanese culture and Karate through CLIL」 Barry Kavanagh (東北大学)

Teaching Japanese culture and Karate through CLIL Barry Kavanagh (Tohoku University)

In his talk Barry Kavanagh gave an account of a unique class he conducts at Tohoku University where he teaches Japanese culture and Karate through a CLIL approach. The class combines foreign exchange students from a liberal arts programme with advanced Japanese learners of English. With these two groups of students the class aims to satisfy the needs of foreign exchange students who wish to learn about Japanese culture and karate, the content of the class, and the Japanese students whose main aim is to improve their English, the medium of instruction in the class, in a multicultural and international classroom environment. In essence it combines both the hard and soft approaches of CLIL to create a hybrid design. Barry talked about how the integrative nature of the class provided students within an opportunity to learn in a multinational environment that did not just have a dual focus on foreign language and content subject learning, but also on intercultural communicative competences (ICC). Utilizing the frameworks of Sudhoff's (2010) triple focused based CLIL approach and Haslett's (1997) bilingual triangle, the talk focused on how ICC can be achieved in this class whereby students can help each other understand and talk about their cultures in an educational setting that encourages international collaboration and integration.

References Hallet, W. (1997). The Bilingual Tiangle: Überlegungen zu einer Didaktik des bilingualen Sachfachunterichts. Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft and Weiterbildung. Sudhoff, J. (2010). CLIL and Intercultural Communicative Competence: Foundations and Approaches towards a Fusion. International CLIL Research Journal, 1(3), 30-37.

②「CLILと協調学習」 山崎 勝(埼玉県立和光交際高等学校)


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