第44回 J-CLIL例会
▶日時:2024 年9 月28日(土)午後2 時~5時
若山典生 Norio Wakayama(尚美学園大学 Shobi University)
“Enhancing English Proficiency through Content-Based Instruction: A Study in Japanese Upper-Secondary” (発表言語:英語)

Japan is undergoing a pivotal shift in its approach to English education, prompted by new collegiate entrance examination standards emphasizing practical proficiency over rote memorization. This study critically examines the efficacy of Content-Based Instruction (CBI) in Japanese upper-secondary schools, using Technology-Entertainment-Design (TED) talks to enhance engagement and reorient attitudes towards English learning. TED Talks provide authentic, thought-provoking content that aligns with students' interests, creating a meaningful learning environment. While using English as the primary medium marks progress, challenges persist due to cultural norms discouraging open discussion and an exam-centric framework. This research integrates culturally relevant content and communicative tasks, demonstrating increased student motivation and a shift from passive to active language use. Quantitative data from pre- and post-intervention assessments show improved proficiency, while qualitative feedback indicates enhanced confidence and willingness to communicate. Findings highlight that CBI improves English proficiency and equips students with critical skills essential for higher education and global communication. Moreover, CBI encourages learner agency, fostering a more interactive classroom environment. These results underscore the transformative potential of CBI in Japanese English teaching, suggesting that content-rich, student-centered pedagogies better prepare learners for 21st-century demands. The study's implications are significant for educators and policymakers in Japan. By incorporating CBI strategies, particularly through engaging multimedia content like TED Talks, schools can create more dynamic English programs, moving beyond traditional methods and preparing students to be globally competent.
仲谷都 Miyako Nakaya(日本大学 Nihon University)
“Several Methods of Content and Language Integration: for Introductory-Level Japanese University Students"(発表言語:日本語)

This presentation introduced the results of three major methods of content and language integration (CLIL) for English Communication, developed for Japanese freshman university students with introductory English levels. The methods utilized learning through global issues and included two communication classes conducted in the first semester of 2024 that were part of the Liberal Arts College of Economics. The first method was a 30-second speech given each class with two assessments at mid-term and finals. This task not only enhanced speaking ability but also developed confidence and critical thinking. The second method was having students create a draft of a discussion in advance of having the discussion. While creating the draft, students had time to familiarize themselves with topical language, argumentative points, and deepen their thoughts through research. The third method was a group presentation that included a topical business plan. Students were given little instruction, and made most decisions themselves about content, presentation, and delivery. This task promoted both self-directed and collaborative learning. Together, these methods enabled introductory-level students to speak up in discussions and to present in English using integrated content and language.