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The 7th J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference

We are pleased to announce the successful conclusion of our conference.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated.

▶Date: Saturday, 9 November 2024 Time: 9:35-15:30 (doors open at 9:20)

▶Venue: ABENO HARUKAS (Osaka) & Online (Zoom)

▶Theme: CLIL: A Device for Deep Learning and Beyond

​▶️Program :Sent via Peatix


▶Plenary Talk: Dr. Y.L. Teresa Ting(University of Calabria, Italy)

Title: "An Interactive Plenary on CLIL: Why do CLIL (Education),

How to do CLIL (Cognitive Neuroscience) and

What Next for CLIL (Disciplinary Literacy)."


▶Member’s Talk: Dr. Barry Kavanagh (Tohoku University)

Title: "Bridging Content and Language: A Case Study of

Team-Taught CLIL in Engineering"

President of J-CLIL: Makoto Ikeda (Sophia University)

The 7th J-CLIL Executive Committee Chair: Kazuko Kashiwagi (Shitennoji University)

The 7th J-CLlL Secretary-General: Hazuki Nakata (Konan Women’s University)

Plenary Talk 1 [Bilingual]

Dr Y.L. Teresa Ting (University of Calabria, Italy)  

Department of Chemistry & Chemical Technologies 

Title: An Interactive Plenary on CLIL:

Why do CLIL (Education), How to do CLIL (Cognitive Neuroscience)

and What Next for CLIL (Disciplinary Literacy).


The objective of compulsory schooling is the democratization of knowledge.  As such, regardless of the profession or trade school-leavers embark on, they should be “subject-literate enough” regarding each school-discipline so to become citizens who can evaluate the verity of claims and, when unsure, acknowledge the limits of their own understandings and thus investigate further before making decisions.  This objective of “multi-disciplinary-literacy” must be central to any proposition for education, including CLIL.  However, CLIL faces additional challenges.  To start, as students “mature” from primary into secondary education and beyond, discipline-specific notions must, of course, also “mature epistemologically”.  That is why post-primary-level school subjects become increasingly more abstract, complex and challenging to comprehend, even when presented through our mother tongue.  Indeed, upper-level CLIL implicates “the learning of complex unfamiliar Content through an oftentimes not-so-familiar foreign language (FL)”.  We must therefore ensure that the presence of a FL in CLIL, rather than becoming an added burden, becomes strategized to facilitate content-comprehension.  After all, we need a cardiologist who knows content well, regardless of her (English) foreign language skills. That said, in many non-Anglophone contexts, although school-leavers have studied English as a FL for many years, they nonetheless lack the academic and discipline-specific English they need to easily navigate an international job arena.  This “interactive plenary” will illustrate how, CLIL materials for secondary-level STEM education which have been “designed with the brain in mind”, easily “strategize CLIL” to not only facilitate the learning of complex concepts but also the mastery of the complex, academic and discipline-specific English discourse that is associated with these concepts.  



Teresa Ting is a tenure-track Senior Researcher in English Applied Linguistics at the University of Calabria, Italy.  She holds Degrees in both Biology and Psychology (Muskingum, Ohio, USA) and a PhD in Neurobiology (Kent State, Ohio, USA), studying learning and memory in rodent models and teaching Functional Human Neuroanatomy to medical students. Upon moving to Italy and given the opportunity to teach English, she completed an MA-TEFL (East Anglia, UK).  Teresa’s approach to CLIL is thus grounded in a “Cognitive Neuroscience approach to STEM Education”. CLIL materials she developed received the 2013 British Council ELTons Award for Innovative Writing; she has: developed secondary-level CLIL materials for the CUP Talent Series; held leadership roles in CLIL and Education Research projects (ECML, Erasmus, COST, etc.); published in various journals (IJBEB, ELTJ, etc.).

Plenary Talk 2 [English]

Dr Barry Kavanagh (University of Tohoku)  


Title: Bridging Content and Language:

A Case Study of Team-Taught CLIL in Engineering

This presentation will provide an overview of a team-taught CLIL course for

engineering students by an English language teacher and a content specialist

who teaches their content through EMI. It will explore how the teachers

conceptualized the integration of content and language in CLIL, and how

their understanding was reflected in their pedagogical practices. At the

end of the course, both teachers completed surveys that focused on their beliefs, the balance of content and language, feedback to students, and the use of authentic materials such as short videos, original AI-created material, and infographics. The findings showed that differences in pedagogical practices and opinions of the two teachers were consistent with their beliefs and teaching experience. The content teacher discussed learning new techniques for creating language-driven activities and scaffolding strategies, something they had never previously incorporated into their teaching.  The implications of the course demonstrate that collaboration between content and language teachers can yield positive results and help EMI teachers wishing to give more English language support in their courses and to develop and teach future CLIL courses independently.



Barry Kavanagh is an associate professor at Tohoku University, Japan where he also obtained his Ph.D. His research interests include CLIL, bilingualism and computer-mediated communication, and has published widely in these areas. He is the Vice President of the J-CLIL pedagogy association and chair of the J-CLIL Tohoku chapter.

The call for submissions is now closed. Thank you for all your applications.


The 7th J-CLIL Annual Bilingual Conference will be held in a hybrid format (ABENO HARUKAS and online via Zoom) on the above date.

If you wish to give a presentation (20 minutes), please apply as follows:

1) Applications open: 25 July 2024

2) Applications close: 17 August 2024 (Sat; JST)

3) Application results notification: early September

4) Application Method: apply via(Presentation abstract: around 100 words in English)

5) Application requirements: open to J-CLIL members


*When more than one person gives presentations, the first author should be a J-CLIL member; it is advised, however, that all presenters be J-CLIL members. Non-member co-presenters will be required to pay a participation fee of 1,000 yen.

For non-members, please complete the membership registration process on the J-CLIL website by Saturday, August 17, 2024.

Additionally, current members should ensure their annual membership fees for 2024 and any previous years are paid by August 17, 2024. Please be aware that if the membership registration and fee payment are not confirmed, the presentation will be canceled.

the team

J-CLIL office: Ikeda's Study Room

Sophia University

7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8554

102-8554 東京都千代田区紀尾井町7-1 上智大学7号館 518号室

© 2017 by J-CLIL

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