Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association (J-CLIL)
We, J-CLIL members, established Japan CLIL Pedagogy Association in April 2017 in order to achieve the initial target attainment:
To study and promote practices for the implementation of integrated education called CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) or CBLT (Content-based Language Teaching).
Based on this, we conduct several activities as follows:
CLIL study meetings
CLIL seminar
CLIL journal publishing
CLIL materials development
CLIL research networks
Any other activities to promote CLIL (CBLT) pedagogy
Background of J-CLIL
J-CLIL has been established based on the activities of Toyo Eiwa CLIL ReN, the previous study group, which were organized by a number of CLIL practitioners or researchers who are interested in CLIL in Japan. Shigeru Sasajima started to work for Toyo Eiwa University in April 2015 and talked with Katsuhiko Muto about the implementation of CLIL curriculum, and then asked several teachers to have regular study meetings and discuss how to teach CLIL and what to do in CLIL classrooms. In the course of several discussions, the members decided to create an association to develop CLIL pedagogy in Japan.
Thus far in April 2017, J-CLIL started with some 100 members under Shigeru Sasajima as a president, Makoto Ikeda, who manages CLIL-Japan at Sophia University, as a vice president, and Katsuhiko Muto as a secretary general. The J-CLIL office is situated at Toyo Eiwa University:
J-CLIL office:
Sasajima’s Study Room
Toyo Eiwa University
7207, Bld. 7, 32 Miho, Midori, Yokohama 226-0015
The J-CLIL constitution is written in Japanese but not in English for the moment. Our policy is bilingual in Japanese and English, but it is not to exclude other languages. J-CLIL supports all types of CLIL implementation in the Japanese context. We hope you will join J-CLIL as a regular member, so please contact us at secretariat@te-clil.jp
You just email us and let us know your name, affiliation, and email address. J-CLIL members can attend any events free of charge but non J-CLIL members pay a participation fee at some events.
The annual proper membership fee: 2,000 yen
The annual graduate student membership fee: 1,000 yen
Undergraduate student membership fee: free of charge
Payment system (in Japanese)
Please pay through money transfer. If you use money transfer at a post office or a bank, please ask them.
【Post office】
記号:10950 番号:19439641
[店名] 〇九八
[店番] 098 [預金種目] 普通預金 [口座番号] 1943964
Please Click Here for J-CLIL Schedule