The Seventh J-CLIL TOHOKU Chapter Conference(第7回J-CLIL東北支部大会)
The Seventh J-CLIL Tohoku chapter was held at Tohoku University on June 22nd, 2024.
Program プログラム
Plenary Talk 1(招待講演1)

From the CLIL classroom to University and back!
Magdalena Custodio Espinar
Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Comillas Pontifical University)
One of the biggest challenges in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is teacher education and training. As a CLIL teacher in mainstream education for more than fifteen years, I was able to experience and observe the difficulties and challenges involved in teaching content from the official curriculum through English. There is an extensive academic production that describes the CLIL teacher competencies because introducing a foreign language as the means for content instruction is very demanding for teachers. For this reason, a few years ago, I decided to move from CLIL practice to CLIL research in order to find out what the real difficulties and challenges are in CLIL teacher education and training. This presentation will offer a summary of the current CLIL teacher profile in the Spanish education system, in particular, in the region of Madrid, where more than 50% of pre-primary, primary and secondary schools (state and semi-private) offer bilingual education through CLIL. In addition, this presentation will focus on one of these key competences: the collaborative competence. Therefore, a detailed description of how to design CLIL lesson plans collaboratively will be provided and analyzed in terms of (1) the collaborative activities involved, (2) the feedback provided, (3) the students’ competencies developed, and (4) their opinions and reflections on the impact of working in group for the development of the collaborative competencies and (5) the need to develop them for successful CLIL teaching and learning.
Plenary Talk 2 (招待講演2)

Learner-centredness in CLIL Pedagogy
Shigeru Sasajima
Learner-centredness is the most important educational concept. CLIL pedagogy also considers it as good assessment for learning (AFL). Learner-centredness has some characteristics, such as active participation, autonomy, power sharing, and formative assessment (Bremner, 2021).
Though CLIL has many faces, I am concerned about the lack of diversity or dynamics. I assume DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) is a keyword for CLIL in Japan after the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe CLIL can/should motivate learners. In addition, teachers should be motivated in CLIL contexts. Learner-centredness is therefore related to learning together in CLIL classrooms. CLIL-ite aims to create a community for learning together in CLIL pedagogy.