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日時:2021年5月22日(土)午後2時~5時 場所:オンライン(Zoomミーティング)

<発表1>An Introduction to ITU and a report of mock international conferences held in universities and high schools (in English)

津川清一 Seiichi Tsugawa

(国際電気通信連合International Telecommunication Union: ITU)


<発表2>The History of the Tracksuit: an exercise in CLIL curriculum design and implementation (in English)

Andy Roomy(東海大学Tokai University)

On May 22nd, 2021, I was afforded the opportunity to make a short presentation at the 25th J-CLIL Research Meeting on some of the materials I had created for the Department of Sport and Leisure Management in the School of Physical Education at Tokai University. The title of this presentation was The History of the Tracksuit: an exercise in CLIL curriculum design and implementation. First, the presentation provided a rationale for using the CLIL approach in the English component of the Sport and Leisure Management program. Second, the presentation provided examples of materials created for our program as a means by which to illustrate our approach to curriculum design and implementation. These examples included a lesson plan and accompanying materials. These materials ranged from handouts, to PowerPoints, to YouTube videos. Three YouTube videos were used: How Much is Your Outfit, One Hundred Years of Workout Style, and the music video My adidas by Run-DMC. Next, we attempted to show how this lesson plan fit into the overall program. We did this through a section from a textbook we had created for one of the English courses in our program. This sample textbook was also accompanied by materials such as handouts and YouTube videos with the Nike Commercial, Find Your Greatness being the source material for three activities in that section of the textbook. Finally, in closing, we tried to show how these materials and thus our CLIL program provided opportunities for second language acquisition while at the same time providing the core content of our Sport and Leisure Management English component.





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