日時:2018年12月15日(土)午後2時~5時 場所:東洋英和女学院大学大学院(六本木)205教室
高校1年「世界史A」と中学校3年(IBクラス)「社会(歴史)」における実践例を報告した。前者については、来年度の英国フィールドワークに向けての基礎作りなどを目的に、後者については、IBであることも踏まえ日英バイリンガルで歴史を理解することを目的にCLILを導入した。教材としては、前者ではスペインのバイリンガル校で採用されているBeatriz Vidal Ferrero, History ESO 4(Oxford University Press)、Benedict Barclay, History ESO 4(Lingua Frame)などを、後者では前掲書の他、Edwin O Reischauer, Japan; the story of a nation(C. E. Tuttle) などを使用している。前者・後者ともに、生徒による英語でのプレゼンテーションの事例を2つずつ報告し、日英バイリンガルで歴史を学ぶことの意義と難しさを確認した。

③「Enhancing critical thinking through active learning in CLIL courses」
Critical thinking is a fundamental skill for 21st century success and essential for success in an academic context. However, critical thinking is not a part of the EFL curriculum in Japan, and students do not have opportunities to develop meta-cognitive strategies. How do we help students learn foreign languages and 21st Century Skills at the same time? CLIL offers such a learning environment where learners use their cognitive skills and construct their own knowledge while they are learning content and language.
This study explored how active learning with CLIL instruction helps Japanese EFL learners to develop critical thinking skills. In the student-centered instruction based class, critical thinking was stimulated with questions based on the revised Bloom’s taxonomy to develop lower and higher order thinking skills while various scaffolding activities were provided. Pretest-posttest results from the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (CTDS) and the Cornell Critical Thinking Test (CCTT) Level Z were compared to determine to what extent, if any, EFL learners developed critical thinking disposition and skills through active learning in CLIL classes. The results of the CTDS and CCTT suggest that active learning has value for increasing critical thinking.