第45回 J-CLIL例会
▶日時:2024 年12 月14日(土)午後2 時~5時
Natalia Evnitskaya (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya)
"Constructing scientific knowledge in CLIL and EMI classrooms: Exploring the ‘what’ and the ‘how’"(発表言語:英語)

In both CLIL and EMI contexts, there are concerns about a possible mismatch between the academic language used by content teachers and learners’ L2 proficiency. In this talk, I showed how we can address this issue by using the constructs of cognitive discourse functions (CDFs) (Dalton-Puffer, 2013) and ‘semantic waves’ from the Legitimation Code Theory (Maton, 2013). CDFs connect disciplinary learning goals with the necessary academic language (Dalton-Puffer, 2016), while semantic waves allow to identify how teachers scaffold students’ disciplinary understanding (Mohan, 1986) through “unpacking/packing” knowledge (Lin, 2016). To illustrate their applicability to CLIL contexts, I presented two case studies. The first study (Evnitskaya, 2019) examines how a CLIL teacher in a grade 7 Science-in-English classroom in Spain constructs scientific knowledge through CDFs and multimodal and multilingual resources. The second ongoing study (Evnitskaya & de Boer, in progress) explores classroom interaction in an EMI 3rd-year Chemistry classroom in a Japanese University in terms of what CDFs are realized and how knowledge is co-constructed through semantic waves. I finished my talk discussing the significance of the findings and the analytical approach and how teachers can use CDFs and semantic waves to scaffold students’ understanding of the disciplinary content and the L2.
The first study has been published:
Evnitskaya, N. (2019). Constructing Cognitive Discourse Functions in Secondary CLIL Classrooms in Spain. In K. Tsuchiya, M.D. Pérez Murillo (Eds.), Content and Language Integrated Learning in Spanish and Japanese Contexts: Policy, Practice and Pedagogy, pp. 237-262. Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.
And can be publicly accessed here:
奥原ジョージ George Okuhara-Caswell(国際教育研究所)
”Success and failure in international education” 「インターナショナル教育の成功と失敗の本質」(発表言語:英語・日本語)

At the beginning of the 20th century, schools for international/cosmopolitan
communities started in two port cities and the settlements of Yokohama and Kobe.
Yokohama was a cosmopolitan hub city with Yokohama Shokin Bank, the sole bank for exchanging foreign currencies with Japanese yen, and it was an international port city for Tokyo/Japan.
St. Joseph College in Yokohama and Canadian Academy in Kobe were the two international secondary schools dating from those days.
I studied what took place in international schools in Yokohama in the 1940s, 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, and 2000 and found the reasons for their successes and failures.
St. Joseph College changed its name to St. Joseph International School in 1985
to strongly alter the school image to "international" school without any substantial curriculum change to the "International Baccalaureate" system as other major international schools have done.
Another problem that arises in any system is having strong leadership, which SJIS lacks.
This contrasts with the neighboring Catholic school, St. Maur International School,
with leadership under Ms. Thomas, MBE, who made the girls' school into a Co-ed successfully and improved the school facilities (Science building, ground, modernized school buildings) with IB and NESC and CIS international systems as the rival
Yokohama International School had accomplished them very well.
The biggest problem facing today's international schools is the high cost of tuition
of about ¥ 3 million per year.
I think CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) schools will solve this problem,
and schools like Gyosei International School and Makuhari International School are excellent examples as our hint to future "Cosmopolitan" schools affordable to all.
中田葉月 Hazuki Nakata(甲南女子大学 Konan Women's University)「STEAM×CLIL実践の探求―「発酵」および「藍染体験」を通して― 」(発表言語:日本語)
