➁"CLIL Sports and Leisure Leadership Curriculum Development"
Andy Roomy(東海大学)
On June 17th, 2023, I had the opportunity to share some of my work with my CLIL colleagues at the 36th J-CLIL Research Meeting. In my practical report, I went through some of the material I have created for an EFL CLIL sport and leisure marketing course. Some of the techniques I covered included the use of ‘seek and find’ games to elicit schemata and build vocabulary, the use of simple listening activities to build fluency and provide content, the use of Nike commercials to provide content and modeling, the use of related music videos to provide leisure content and increase student motivation, the use of teacher-centered learning activities (a lecture on Nike marketing) to provide both teacher-centered (TCL) and student-centered learning (SCL) activities, and the use of student presentations to provide task-based activities that allow for student generated content. It should be noted that although this was a research meeting, the marketing course is still a work in progress, and as such, I plan to conduct research on the effectiveness of CLIL (e.g., evaluating the effectiveness of the SCL activities versus the TCL activities) once the materials in the course are closer to my goals for the course and our program.