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第35回 J-CLIL例会                        日時:2023年5月20日(土)午後2時~5時00分会場:早稲田大学戸山キャンパス対面+オンライン(Zoom) 総会

“Analyzing MEXT authorized textbooks: Potentials and problems to develop CLIL lessons in high school”


As the revised upper secondary school curriculum has started to be implemented from April in 2022, authorized textbooks have also been revised due to this revision. In order to achieve the overlapping goals that CLIL and the new Course of Study are aiming for, the primary objective of this presentation was to discuss the use of authorized textbooks considering its potentials and problems to develop CLIL lessons in Japanese high schools.

The results of the observation revealed that the salient potentials of the textbooks are the frequent occurrence of all language skills, lower-order thinking skills, and global awareness. The prominent problems of the textbooks are that grammar is isolated from the content, reading sections lack cooperative learning and tasks to improve students’ reading skill, and integration of higher-order thinking skills. Secondly, suggestions were given to develop CLIL lessons with authorized textbooks based on the analysis and its interpretation. Based on the findings of the advantages and pitfalls of authorized textbooks, considerations were suggested in the dos and don’ts list. In conclusion, the presenter noted that it is important to start from something doable for in-service teachers who are struggling to implement CLIL in their usual language classes.

「なぜ辞書とCLILに魅せられたか ─アンコール最終講義J-CLIL版─」



 改めて過去にいろいろと生じた出来事が現在につながっていることを感じる。まず、私が辞書関連の活動に注力するようになったのは、高校時代に出会った『ユニオン英和辞典』のインパクトが強烈だったからだ。同辞書には、たとえば「かさをさす」と表現するには、put up an umbrellaとすればよく、”The policeman was very kind to us.”のようにkindとtoを結びつけると「~に親切にする」と表現できることなどが、実にわかりやすく書かれている。これが「コロケーション」と呼ばれる概念であることを知るのはずっと後のことになるが、同辞書を使えば使うほど、英語がわかるようになる、というのが当時の実感であった。



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